Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

Pruning and maintenance growing weed.


Most cannabis consumers are familiar with the term “trimming” (pruning) which refers to the removal of unnecessary leaves on cannabis flowers when preparing them for the drying process, but for home growers there is an equally important pruning that should be done regularly as part of regular plant maintenance. How to do pruning and maintenance growing weed, where, how much and when, in the article before you:

Pruning the cannabis plant as part of its ongoing maintenance process during the growth phase is a very important process that plays an important role and has a significant impact on the quality and quantity of the crop that you get.

Pruning a cannabis plant is actually the removal of “excess” branches and leaves, which are not essential for its successful growth and flowering, according to a very simple equation: a healthy plant that receives adequate exposure to light and enough nutrients produces a lot of energy used for growth, and if we reduce the number of branches. That is, we will get a higher return on the remaining ones.

Cannabis Pruning – When to Start and When to Stop

Contrary to what may seem logical, pruning plants should start at a very early stage, as soon as the plant stem begins to thicken. At this stage, pruning will be a kind of “training method” that will help train the plants and strengthen them for the rest of their lives.

Has your Pre-flowering cannabis trunk thickened? It’s time to start pruning.
From this point onwards until the beginning of the flowering stage the regular pruning operations can be performed, but many growers argue that it is not recommended to prune anything at least 2-3 weeks before flowering, as it may cause the plant to start producing vegetation and disrupt the beginning of the flowering process.

cannabis-plant-growing-in super-soil-diagram

In principle, pruning should be done as part of the regular maintenance of the plants, which includes, among other things, their daily inspection (inspection at a glance to see that everything is fine), but in practice, new branches do not grow daily so pruning will be done as needed. During the flowering stage, a few branches or leaves that are close to death can also be removed.

What is pruning?

High-quality and large cannabis flowers are best harvested from the plant in a place that absorbs most of the sunlight and has the best airflow, ie on the outside of the plant and especially in the upper part.

As growers who strive for maximum yield with maximum active ingredients, we want all the energy of our plants focused on improving the buds rather than trying to develop or save weaker parts of the plant body. Therefore, when pruning we will remove the following parts:

  • Low branches that receive little sunlight, which if not removed will develop tiny flowers and waste of energy.
  • Leaves that have started to yellow and die due to lack of light
  • Low flower development sites on the main stems of the plant

When you cut a branch or leaf, it is natural to feel like you are harming a plant. Take a deep breath and remember that everything is done for the good purpose of a great harvest that will bring you peace of mind.

Start pruning – from the inside out

Before you start, it is important to make sure that you have a pair of extra-sharp scissors or a dedicated branch cutting device, with priority given to a new product that has not undergone too many cuts and may damage the body of your plant. The scissors should be disinfected with alcohol or other disinfectant and dried well before pruning.

Good buds do not grow on low or tangled branches
At the beginning of the pruning, we look for low branches as well as young branches that grow from the main branches towards the center of the plant and its stem. These branches will never get enough light so it is best to remove them from the beginning. This is the main thing to do until the beginning of the flowering stage.

After the beginning of the flowering stage, we will move to clean the plant from bud sites that do not receive enough sunlight, which will be located mainly at the bottom of the plant and in the part of its main branches facing inwards. Remember that these will never be quality flowers, even if they sit on a strong and healthy branch.

An important tip to keep in mind is not to perform too much pruning. When pruning leaves and branches of any plant, it is important to do so with intervals between trimming sessions, so as not to put the plant in a state of stress that will disrupt its growth cycle.

In conclusion, pruning is one of the essential and basic processes that exist between the gardener and the plant, and it helps the plant reach its full potential, by directing and utilizing more efficiently the energy it produces in the process of photosynthesis towards its really important parts.

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