It is easy to make mistakes in growing cannabis when you are a new cannabis seed grower. Everyone makes mistakes, it’s a part of learning to grow. Here are some of the most common cannabis cultivation mistakes and how to avoid them.

Too much Water
We all know that plants need water to grow, but their root systems need air too. The roots cannot breathe submerged in water, and if you allow them to dry out, they die as well. So balance is the key to keep them from watering stress. A good way to find out how much watering is needed is to lift the pot when it has just been watered and try to remember the weight. The next time you want to water your plants, lift the pot to feel the difference. It should be lighter than the day before. Some days the plants will use more water than others, so getting an idea of the weight can be very helpful.
Too much Fertilizer
Too much good stuff is a bad thing, this is what my grandmother always said and so is fertilizer. It’s very tempting to overfeed your plants hoping to make them grow faster or bigger, but it does the opposite. Giving too many nutrients to the plants can burn the roots or leaves. It might take a few days just for the water for the plant to recover – if it ever recovers – so watch out for your fertilizer dosages!
When you use seeds with bad genes, no matter how well you have set up your growing conditions, your results will never be good. Bad genes will pull you down and limit the potential of your cannabis. If you choose a seed with the right genes, the possibilities are limitless and you have free rein for experimentation. Why? Because genes will limit a plant’s maximum size, resistance to stress, and potential yield – so much so that beginners can reach those limits and think their limited skills are the cause. With good genes, these limits are very high so you don’t have to worry about them.
PH levels give us an idea of the acidity of the soil, how nutrients can dissolve in it, and how quickly they do so. The roots need the nutrients to dissolve in the soil, or else they cannot absorb them. Ideally, you should have a pH between 5.8 and 6.5 and you can monitor it with a pH meter. Yellowing leaves can also indicate a pH problem. You can lower the pH by adding more or less pH product to the soil, or with certain organic materials.

Hard to be patient when the girls are in bloom and their scent is getting stronger day by day. The best way to tell if a plant is ready for harvest is to look VERY CLOSE at the buds, really very close. Use a camera with a macro function or a good magnifying glass and look at the trichomes; when the majority of them start to turn milky and cloudy, with a few being amber, then it’s time to harvest. The more cloudy they are, the more inspiring and uplifting the effect will be. Letting most of them turn amber will give a more knockout effect.
Having a large, well-developed root system helps the plant to grow faster and bigger because it can find its nutrients more easily. Having a large root system in a small pot, however, is a bad idea. The roots can strangle if they do not have enough space. So plan ahead for your growing cycle and choose the size of the pots. Remember that a flowering plant can still grow up to 40-60% of its original size.

Telling your neighbours about your grow room.
Most cultivation operations discovered are by a friend/neighbour/balance who gets wind of your operations because you were proud of them. Post anonymous pictures on growing forums or anonymous social media accounts if you want to brag.
When you transport the sprouted seeds from their place of germination to a larger pot, it is very easy to break the newly developed root or crush the seed too hard. Pay attention to this step as the plant is very fragile and must be handled with care. I like to use tweezers or Chinese chopsticks to manipulate them and plant them with the root down. In addition, be careful when recovering
Do not pack the soil too tightly, the new roots and the stem need room to develop.
Heavy Pruning
Just like with fertilizer and watering, over-pruning can slow your plants down or even kill them. Pruning is done so that “unnecessary” branches and buds do not divert nutrients from the main branches and buds. Old leaves that shade the buds can also be pruned, but try not to stress your plant too much in one go. The key once again is balance.
In order to determine which season they are in, summer or fall, your plants use a system of photoperiods. Which means they sense how many hours of light and how many hours of darkness a day has. In summer the days are long and the nights short, while in the fall the days are short and the nights are getting longer. For this system to take place, the plants need clearly defined days and nights, so total darkness at night and light during the day. If you light them up when they need darkness, or put them in the dark when they’re expecting sunshine, you could really ruin them and at worst have a flowering plant coming back. during the period of growth and loses all its heads.
As you can see, there are a lot of simple mistakes in growing cannabis. As you cultivate more and more, you will start to make fewer and fewer mistakes. Experience is key to cultivating these little beauties, but of course, it never hurts to read as much as you can!
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